Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Herbal Medicine Remedy for Proteinuria with CKD

Proteinuria is a very common symptom for patients with CKD. As we know, when people are suffering from kidney disease, the renal function must be damaged. When kidney function is damaged, there must be damaged intrinsic cells in the kidney. Protein in urine is common in many chronic kidney diseases such as nephrotic syndrome, diabetic nephropathy, and so on. In many foreign countries, hormones and immunosuppressive agents are applied, which is proved that protein in urine will recur someday in the future once infected, and so on. More and more patients are seeking for a more effective method towards herbal medicine remedy. Next, we will introduce you some prescription which consists of herbal medicine remedy.
1. Nightshade 30g, bittersweet 30g, Indian strawberry 30g, nidus vespae 9g, boiled. This prescription can treat refractory proteinuria, which can also play functions such as immunosuppressive agents.
2. Virgin soil 15g, radix pseudostellariae 15g, dangshen 10g, Astragalus mongholicus 20g, fuling 10g, Morinda officinalis 10g, fructus psoraleae 10g, , fenugreek 10g, boil them. This prescription can increase the protein in plasma and diminish protein in urine.
· 3. thunder god vine
· Thunder god vine is also a Chinese medicine which can play immunosuppressive function. Both cases in clinic and the experiment in animals have proved that thunder god vine can reduce the secretion of protein in urine and reduce the pathological change in renal tissues.
· 4. micro-Chinese medicine
· Micro-Chinese medicine is an advanced therapy compared with traditional Chinese medicine, which has a micro process and can increase the use ratio of the Chinese medicine. It is also abstracted from nature’s herbs and remedies. It is now part of immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital which is on the basis of the theory that most kidney diseases are caused by immune disorder. Immune disorder leads to low immune ability. Low immune ability leads to the deposition of immune complex on the kidney. So immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can be divided into six steps: immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune inhibition, immune tolerance, immune
Adjustment and immune protection. For more information, please consult us online or email us. We are glad to serve.

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