Friday, September 6, 2013

Chronic nephritis diet should be scientific and reasonable

For chronic nephritis patients, xi 'an tongji hospital expert in patients with chronic nephritis, should pay attention to diet for chronic nephritis is a kind of onset hidden, long duration and recurrent kidney disease easily, if in the usual daily life don't pay more attention, the difficulty of its treatment will increase, patients will be very painful.
Thus it can be seen in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis diet is very important, during the period of treatment, if the patient is no scientific diet will cause the deterioration, so that cause many other diseases, if during the recovery to take scientific and effective diet, can promote disease rehabilitation. For the sake of your health, don't ignore the diet.
First, chronic nephritis, appropriate to give high quality diet low in protein, low phosphorus, high vitamin. Increase the intake of sugar to guarantee enough heat, reduce the number of autologous protein decomposition, such as patients with edema and (or) hypertension should limit the intake of sodium salt. The scientific and reasonable diet, mainly from the following aspects specific attention.
1. Water, sodium intake: sodium intake should be less than 3 g/day, edema, severe cases should be less than 2 grams per day; The water intake, according to the previous day's total + 500 ml calculation of urine.
Protein intake (2) : chronic glomerulonephritis should give a low protein diet, supply according to the condition and decide, light person symptoms were controlled at 20 ~ 40 g/d, to reduce the burden of the kidney; A low protein diet time shoulds not be too long, to prevent anemia. Once in the blood urea nitrogen, creatinine clearance, close to normal, regardless of the presence of proteinuria, protein supply should be gradually increased to 0.8 g/kg per day, for the kidney repair. Containing essential amino acids, rather than less essential amino acid of high quality protein, such as eggs, milk, lean meat and fish, etc.; Unfavorable choose food legumes and its products.
3. Avoid using strong flavor.
Chronic nephritis avoid is used a pungent condiment, food. Because of pungent condiments such as pepper, mustard, coffee bravery, pepper, such as adverse to the kidney, so should diet. MSG after due to feed more thirsty to drink, to limit water quantity, also should use less monosodium glutamate.
4. Energy intake: in the treatment period to rest, medication and diet therapy, the combination of serious need to stay in bed, so the heat energy consumption is reduced, less activity decrease appetite and supply heat every day don't have to be too high, according to 0.10 ~ 0.13 MJ/kg (25 ~ 30 kcal), throughout the day to 6.69 ~ 8.37 MJ (1600 ~ 2000 kcal) is advisable.
5. Add A variety of vitamins and trace elements, such as vitamin A, B, C, D, E and trace elements Ca, zinc, Fe, etc. Can give fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, beef, etc.
6, chronic nephritis, avoid is plant proteins, because of plant protein contains a large number of purine alkaloid, intermediary metabolism can add to the kidney burden, therefore, should not be eating, such as soybean, mung bean, broad bean, soybean milk, bean curd, bean sprouts, etc.
7, chronic nephritis patients avoid is acrimony excitant food, such as a variety of spices, pepper, chili, garlic, onion, garlic, pepper, ginger, mustard, etc.
8, chronic nephritis patients avoid high purine foods such as: bath chap, sardines, chicken soup, beef soup, celery, spinach, mutton, dog, bird meat, rabbit meat, fat of peanuts.

What is the late symptom of chronic nephritis

Chronic nephritis patients in terminal what symptom? Chronic glomerular nephritis, chronic nephritis is refers to the proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, oedema as basic clinical manifestations, way is different, the onset of the disease, pathological changes slow progress, can be different degree of renal impairment, will eventually develop into a group of glomerular disease of chronic renal failure. So, chronic nephritis late symptoms of kidney disease have?
With chronic nephritis, very few people can relieve themselves. Condition in patients with stable after 5 ~ 6 years, or even 20 ~ 30 years, the development phase to renal insufficiency. Some patients sustained development or recurrent acute, 2 ~ 3 years to kidney failure. In the process of chronic nephritis again many symptoms, which is the late symptom of chronic nephritis?
1, nephritis prodrome nephritis patients more than 1-3 weeks before nephritis has a history of respiratory or skin infections, such as acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gingival abscess, scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, skin rash, pustules part but no prodrome nephritis patients.
2. Have disease have different way, only in the physical examination found proteinuria or high blood pressure. In most patients after onset of fatigue, headache, swelling, high blood pressure, anemia and other clinical symptoms, a few patients with onset nasty, edema, appearance of a large number of urine protein, there are always asymptomatic until the vomiting, bleeding for uremia such visits.
3, nephritis, early symptoms of kidney disease early symptoms of lack of specificity of patients with chronic nephritis, chronic nephritis patients often appear fatigue, lack of power, lumbago, eyelids, face, ankle edema, urine bubble increase, abnormal color of urine, hematuria, increasing the number of night urination and urine, etc.
Hematuria: naked eye hematuria is often one of the symptoms of nephritis (accounts for about 40-70%), urine color depth with thick palm red meat or wash water samples, usually disappear within a few days, also sustainable 1-2 weeks to microscopic haematuria and microscopic haematuria disappeared in 6 months, also sustainable 1-3 years to disappear.
Edema and oliguria: nephritis with edema as starting symptoms accounted for about 70%, swelling in the face and eyelids. Many nephritis patients there was an eyelid dropsy symptoms often get up early in the morning. Nephritis patients of eyelid and facial edema, many with a face pale, nephritis countenance. Edema can also spread to the lower extremities, severe chest, ascites and pericardial effusion.
Oliguria and edema appeared at the same time, less urine than usual when the onset, daily urine output can be less than 400 ml, and the reduce of urine with edema aggravated, and the individual can occur in patients with anuria phenomenon. After effective treatment, most patients with nephritis dropsy symptoms may fade with the improved.
4. The chronic nephritis in the late of the central nervous system symptoms, dizziness, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, etc., it has to do with high blood pressure, anemia, some metabolic and endocrine dysfunction and so on.
5. Anemia, red blood cell differentiation, mature and release the related.
6. Nephritis clinical symptoms of kidney disease progression with nephritis, nephritis patients in addition to show the early symptoms of kidney disease, nephritis patients in clinical and there will be some symptoms associated with kidney disease, such as high blood pressure, visual impairment, headache, anemia, etc.
After the occurrence of hypertension, glomerulonephritis, the patient's blood pressure can be increased from the mild to moderate, the average adult is 20 ~ 21.3/12 ~ 14.7 kpa. With the increase of urine, nephritis patients blood pressure will gradually returns to normal, lasts 2-4 weeks.
A few may be due to a dramatic increase in blood pressure in patients with chronic nephritis (> 26.7/17.3 kpa) and hypertensive encephalopathy or left heart failure, the blood pressure with water and sodium storage to slip, renin secretion to increase, reduce the prostaglandin secretion.

Chronic nephritis in life what must pay attention to

Refers to chronic nephritis proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, oedema as basic clinical manifestations of a kind of chronic kidney disease, for chronic nephritis, after the early treatment of chronic nephritis can be cured, but also should pay more attention in our daily life, whether in life, diet, and optional as found himself if patients get better, both can lead to disease recurrence, so that patients with chronic nephritis in life must pay attention to what?
Once diagnosed patients with chronic nephritis, in the early stages, regardless of the illness weight, the scientific method are should give priority to in order to rest, and cooperate with the treatment, the positive and effective system should be done regularly observation and laboratory tests at the same time, in order to prevent the disease. A big improvement if through positive and effective treatment, the illness, and some adverse symptoms disappear, returned to normal or near normal blood pressure, proteinuria, hematuria, and various symptoms were improved, and renal function is stable, after 3 months can work in the mild, but avoid strong manual labor, and at the same time, prevent the happening of the respiratory tract and urinary tract infections. During the period of consolidation treatment, the patient's activity level should slow increase gradually, in order to promote physical recovery.
Such as chronic nephritis patients condition is not stable, and there is blood in the urine, a large amount of proteinuria, edema, high blood pressure or have a progressive renal function decline, all should stay in bed and the consolidation treatment of the positive and effective, they can control chronic nephritis, avoid aggravating the degree of renal fibrosis, lead to the deterioration of disease progress.
Chronic nephritis patients to take rests. In daily work, whether it's physical and mental work, don't fatigue, nephritis patients should be added to rest, otherwise you will increase metabolism is not normal, also can increase the burden of kidney function, so that damage to the kidneys.
Patients with chronic nephritis taboo to take anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs. Cold medicine and antibiotics, for example, before the use of anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, must be in the related take medicine under guidance of physician, local use of these drugs because they do not directly renal injury, resulting in abnormal renal function. Treatment of renal parenchyma hypertension should pay attention to reduce glomerular high pressure, such as application of converting enzyme inhibitors can make the glomerulus, high-pressure system blood pressure under control.
Patients with chronic nephritis friends should pay attention to the regulation of emotion. Experts told the patients of chronic nephritis, must set up the confidence to fight disease, for chronic nephritis was slowly stretch, so keep treatment of determination and confidence; Moreover, grumpy, nervous can cause liver damage, affect the secretion system disorder, chaos and direct damage to kidney function.
Patients with kidney disease should pay attention on food, the unreasonable diet tend to be more easy to aggravate the burden of chronic nephritis patients of kidney, causing further damage of kidney function, lead to worsening progression. Based on the characteristics of chronic nephritis, requires a reasonable kidney disease patients should be eating, should with eggs, milk, lean meat, fresh vegetables, and avoid overeating.
Timely treatment of the primary disease diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure can accelerate development and incidence of chronic kidney disease.
Chronic nephritis in life is to pay attention to what? Above is the best statement on this problem, if you have any questions, can call free hotline, our experts can also leave your contact information, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Review what are the cause of chronic nephritis is aggravating

During the treatment of chronic nephritis patients the most afraid of hear the aggravation of the illness cured with recurrent issues such as, so how to solve these problems? Only by understanding its causes, can we better do nip in the bud. So what cause the cause of acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis?
(1) the bacteria or virus infection: this is the most common reason, especially the upper respiratory tract infections (common cold) and asymptomatic bacteriuria, flu, sore throat, tracheobronchitis can aggravate symptoms' chronic nephritis.
(2) use of nephrotoxicity drugs: renal toxicity drugs such as amino glycosides, toxic to the kidney damage is obvious. Because there are anti-inflammatory analgesic, anti-inflammatory analgesic is inhibition of prostaglandin, often reduce renal blood flow, like diarrhea, damage to the kidney, so pay special attention to kidney disease patients on the drug.
(3) the overworked: include overwork (such as in heavy manual Labour and strenuous exercise), evenings and even law and so on, all can make the aggravation of chronic nephritis.
(4) the state of stress: the stress state, the so-called refers to the overload of the body to a variety of reasons, such as a sudden digestive tract hemorrhage, acute gastroenteritis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, anaphylactic shock, etc., more than the body can withstand stress ability, is mainly refers to the adrenal cortex to cope with the sudden arrival of stimulation, urgent to adjust the secretion of adrenal cortical hormone, etc. All kinds of stress can make the illness acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis.
(5) urinary tract obstruction: some elderly prostatic hypertrophy micturition not free, or urinary stones, to deal with immediately. Obstruction after urine flow not free, poor urine flow must make bacteria reproduce, cause infection. In addition, obstruction was easy to affect kidney function. Obstruction and infection, is the double of kidney damage.
(6) : pregnancy for a woman is pregnant patients with chronic nephritis, itself has been sick, kidney and then responsible for two people, such as pregnancy, since this will increase the burden of the kidney. Some women in the protection of at ordinary times can also, but after pregnancy slowly kidney disease (CKD) watch out bit by bit, the kidney can't afford it, sometimes to be forced to terminate the pregnancy. So for kidney disease of women of childbearing age, when pregnant, pregnancy should pay attention to what, have to from the caution.
(7) other: water electrolyte disorder, disorder of acid-base balance, etc., can cause acute chronic nephritis.
Such as timely removal of contributing factors, and to give the right treatment, most patients can be restored to a state of acute episodes before, renal function back to normal. But it is also possible that the deterioration caused by the contributing factors, and quickly into the renal failure stage. So must pay attention to clinical treatment the various reasons of acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis.

Chronic nephritis patients' diet management

Is short for chronic glomerular nephritis, chronic nephritis is a kind of common kidney disease. Is divided into three type of TCM differentiation of the disease, such as the spleen kidney Yang deficiency, in addition to the performance with chronic nephritis, are now back cold cold limbs, defecate to powder, pale tongue fat with teeth marks, heavy fine of arteries and veins, etc.; Liver and kidney Yin deficiency, accompanied by dry swallow mouth dryness, yellow, red tongue, less moss, pulse count, etc. Less blood, have anemia, dizziness, tinnitus, or sweat, less sleep, pale tongue veins, etc. Syndrome differentiation treatment.
In addition to medication, avoid in everyday life is also very important. Attention should be paid to the following aspects:
1, the limit of plant protein
Protein intake should be according to the condition of the renal function. A patient appear oliguria, edema, hypertension, and nitrogen retention, daily protein intake amount should be controlled in 20-40 grams, to reduce the burden of the kidney, avoid nonprotein nitrogen accumulation in the body. In plant protein contains a lot of fat Yin alkali, intermediary metabolism, can add to the kidney is unfavorable use beans and bean products as a nutritional supplement. Beans and bean products including soybeans, mung bean, broad bean, soybean milk, bean curd, etc.
2, avoid fatty foods
The symptoms of chronic nephritis patients have high blood pressure and anemia, animal fat is unfavorable factors for hypertension and anemia, because fat can result in the worsen of inhibition of atherosclerosis and hematopoietic function, so the chronic nephritis patients shoulds not be too much to eat. But chronic nephritis, such as no fat intake, the body will become more weak, so in daily life can be substituted for vegetable oil, 60 grams a day.
3, avoid is used a strong flavor
Strong spices such as pepper, mustard, coffee bravery, pepper, such as adverse to the kidney function, should diet. MSG after due to feed more thirsty to drink, to limit water quantity, also should use less monosodium glutamate.
4, fluid restriction
Chronic nephritis patients have high blood pressure and edema, fluid restriction. Daily intake should be controlled in 1200-1500 ml, 800 ml included: the water content of drinks and food. If serious edema, the more we will strictly control into the water. In the case of micturition, can relax appropriately.
5, not being pregnant
Best for kidney disease and renal anomalies before becoming pregnant, if you have kidney disease, and kidney specialist discussion can be pregnant. Otherwise may soon deteriorate, causing renal insufficiency.
6, restrict food containing high purine and high nitrogen
In order to reduce the burden of the kidney, the food should be limited to stimulate the cells in the kidney, such as spinach, celery, radishes, beans, bean products, sardines, and chicken soup, fish soup, broth, etc. Because these foods contain high purine and high nitrogen, in renal function, it can not discharge in time, its metabolites have negative effects on kidney function.
7, prescribed drugs
A variety of drugs, chemicals can cause kidney damage. Such as taking painkillers, a large amount for a long time is not properly used amino glycosides antibiotics, long-term, an overdose of containing aristolochic acid in Chinese herbal medicine, etc., can be slow to cause kidney damage.
8, sick to cure
When the throat, tonsils, etc have inflammation, need immediate treatment with prescribed antibiotics thoroughly, otherwise easily induced kidney disease of streptococcus infection.
9, limit salt
Swelling and blood volume, the relationship between sodium salt is great. Per 1 g of salt can be brought into 110 ml of water, nephritis patients such as eating too much salt, and urination function is impaired, often aggravating oedema symptoms, blood volume increases, cause heart failure, therefore, must limit salt, low-salt diet. Daily salt intake should be controlled below 2-4 g, to prevent edema aggravated and blood volume increases, the accident.
10, regular check
Every year regularly check routine urine and kidney function, also can do check kidney function at the same time.

Chronic nephritis patients must be alert to the six major life details

Patients with chronic nephritis in life which should be paid attention to details, experts said the correct attitude to life can promote the fast recovery of chronic nephritis. The patients with chronic nephritis in life must pay attention to details are what?
A, attention body, avoid overworked.
Want to have good living habits, keep a regular life. At ordinary times to arrange life work and rest system, more moderate activities, strengthen physical exercise, but should avoid overfatigue. Reasonable nutrition, enhance physical fitness and body resistance. Pay attention to personal hygiene and environmental sanitation clean, develop good health habits of life, and keep the mood relaxed and happy, strengthen self health care consciousness. Pay attention to hygiene, keep the skin clean. Mix, the rational system of life.
Second, the adjustment of modern, heart is magnanimous.
Kidney disease has close relationship with modern. For kidney, modern anomalies can directly affect the metabolism function of the kidney itself, lead to the occurrence of diseases. Modern dysfunctional relationship with kidney disease occurs mainly in two aspects: one is kidney stores, need filling of fine raising, renal failure, depression, everything else forgetful. The second is the modern disorders, can cause jet inverse chaos, gas YuHua fire, loss really cloudy. Modern medicine also confirmed that the chemicals in between the brain and the immune system, bad emotional stimuli can result in changes of hormones in the body, cause immune system disorders. Therefore, should pay attention to the regulation of modern kidney disease treatment.
Third, reasonable diet, limit sodium salt.
Notice delicate easy digestive food, avoid is seafood, beef, lamb, acrid food, wine, and all the hair content such as: wait spiced aniseed, coffee, parsley, etc.; Edema, the person that weigh should avoid salt, limiting protein food intake, less water. When edema, not heavy, but into the low sodium salt water; Not swollen with water and protein food restriction. Blood uric acid the most especially diet animal offal, fish and shrimp and a crab clams, beer, mushrooms, beans, spinach. Renal failure uremia patients should eat half a pound of milk per day, 1 egg, 1 two lean; Microscopic haematuria is easy to lose water more, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame, black fungus, such as Yin send fire food; High potassium diet high food such as seafood, mushrooms, ham, black fungus, dried fruit, corn flakes, bananas, oranges, potatoes, dried turnip, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, etc.
Fourth, actively cure chronic infection lesions.
Bacteria or virus infection is the most common cause of acute nephritis, especially of the upper respiratory tract infection, asymptomatic bacteriuria, flu, sore throat, trachea, bronchitis, etc., are likely to aggravate symptoms of chronic nephritis.
Active prevention and treatment of infection lesions, active prevention and treatment of acute glomerulonephritis. Reduce the body infection, prevent form cold catch cold, prevent colds, suppurative tonsillitis, the onset of diseases such as skin purulent infection; Happened more than once infected with the disease or acute nephritis and other primary glomerular disease, to give timely and thorough treatment, lesion of acute glomerulonephritis patients with chronic infection in a stable condition after 3 ~ 6 months, if necessary, the available surgical method such as cure, prevent the diseases deferment not more for the development of chronic nephritis.
Five, avoid damage to the kidney.
Such as sulfanilamide, aminoglycoside. No matter what disease, every time you want to tell the physician, in the past history of nephritis, alert the doctor medicine.
Sixth, avoid cold wet.
Cold can cause renal artery spasm, aggravating renal ischemia, affecting nephritis. Moisture to grow hemolytic streptococcus, susceptible to infection. So as far as possible do indoor warm, sunny, airiness. Dress appropriately, to avoid the wet.
Above is for chronic nephritis in life should pay attention to the analysis of the six major life details, hope you can help to you, xi 'an tongji hospital I wish you recover at an early date!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What is easy in the case of chronic nephritis

Recently often asked me some consulting, under what circumstances easier nephritis? Patients described themselves as early as usual life also didn't do bad things, no bad habits, how to have the chronic nephritis? For that matter, xi 'an tongji hospital experts will often cause for chronic nephritis summarized below.
1, overeating,
This bad dietary habit formation damage to the kidney is extremely serious, so you want to attach correct, survey shows many kidney disease patients are kidney disease of a lot of people have this bad eating habits are unknowingly "eat". The kidney is important in the human body organs responsible for the discharge of wastes and toxins. Eat too salty, sweet, too much too oil, protein eating too much will aggravate the burden of the kidney, high load of work for a long time, will damage to the kidney function, disease also quietly. Modern people meals more opportunity, and often eat too much "delicious", food intake will eventually produce waste, uric acid and urea nitrogen and so on. Most of these wastes through the kidneys, dietary excesses will no doubt increase the burden of the kidney.
2, water too little
Usually do not pay attention to the appropriate water also form a great health crisis can lead to kidney, so everybody if have the habit of not love to drink water, then correction in a timely manner. Everyone should keep drink eight glasses of water a day, at ordinary times so as to ensure the toxin inside body can discharge in a timely manner. If without water for a long time, the urine volume decreases, carrying waste and toxins in the urine concentration will increase. Clinical common kidney stones and kidney seeper, etc are closely related and without water for a long time. Full of water can dilute the urine, protect the kidney, which is beneficial to fully discharge wastes and toxins.
3, ignore cold
A cold not disorderly eat antibiotics will damage the kidney, but if the drag is not a doctor, ignore the treatment, seemingly not serious diseases such as colds, sore throat can also cause kidney disease. Colds are common factors that lead to kidney disease. Acute sore throat, acute upper respiratory tract infection is associated with acute glomerulonephritis acute or chronic nephritis.
4, a full bladder for a long time
Long-term full bladder is not only easy to cause the bladder injury, urine retention in the bladder for a long time is easy to cause bacteria breeding, once the return flow back into the ureter and kidney, toxic substance which can cause kidney infections, causing urinary tract infections, nephritis and uremia. So even if the work again busy, also don't forget to frequently drink water and go to the bathroom in time. Once you get into the habit of a full bladder, you will unknowingly affect kidney health. And the symptoms of kidney disease in the early days often and no special, many patients are in acute or disease into the late to regret.
5, drug abuse,
Produce a lot of "junk" is in the human body through the kidneys from the urine, including drug metabolites in the body. Some drugs has obvious side effects to the kidneys, including antibiotics gentamicin and kanamycin, nonsteroidal antipyretic analgesics, and some compound medicine. Therefore, there is no clear diagnosis of patients with infectious cold fever, don't take antibiotics drugs on its own. After a cold have a fever, take medicine should not be arbitrarily, but under the guidance of a doctor according to their own symptoms taken correctly. Especially poor renal function and has been suffering from chronic kidney disease are more careful drug use.
Above several kinds of bad habits are easy to suffer from chronic nephritis, want to see this post can understand the importance of a healthy life, avoid the happening of the above situation, xi 'an tongji hospital I wish you good health!