Thursday, July 18, 2013

What are the early symptoms of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a lot of people for early symptoms of polycystic kidney disease is not well understood. Study found that patients with polycystic kidney disease hematuria is a major factor for polycystic kidney checks. Most of the polycystic kidney disease patients have an anemic process, nocturia is one of them. Experts say this and kidneys secrete erythropoietin descending relevant. In addition. Since polycystic kidney extrusion, high blood pressure is one of the most common symptoms in renal dysfunction are more prone before the patient will be accompanied by headache, dizziness and other phenomena.
Polycystic kidney disease patients likely to have a waist and abdomen appropriate symptoms, which is better understood, because patients with polycystic kidneys, because the cyst increases to a certain extent, can be unilateral or bilateral upper abdominal palpable sizes mass, and will move with respiration, infection when accompanied by tenderness. At this time, patients will have lower back pressure, sometimes severe pain. Can be expressed as intermittent or persistent seizures, sometimes manifested as abdominal pain, pain in the upper abdomen, groin, back, chest radiology, pain may be running, sedentary, activity intensified.
The most obvious is low back pain: The disease is usually dull pain or cramps and accompanied by gross hematuria occurs when prompted.
The most dangerous is the cerebral arterial circle hemangioma: Concurrent This hemangioma by 10% -40%, often due to vascular aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage further examination was found. In addition, the thoracic aortic aneurysm and valvular heart disease are more common.
The most common is multiple cysts in other organs: polycystic kidney disease patients found that about half of middle-aged polycystic liver is generally believed that its development is slow, and about a decade later than polycystic kidney disease. In addition, pancreas and ovarian cysts can also be complicated, colonic diverticulitis complicated by a higher rate.
Through the above introduction of polycystic kidney disease in patients with early symptoms, I believe that the majority of patients have some help. Find themselves suffering from polycystic kidney disease-related symptoms, to be timely to the hospital, the doctor checks for selective treatment. Xiao Bian reminder, early detection, early treatment is the most sensible choice, hoping to extricate patients with polycystic kidney ailments.

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