All said to avoid cold during chronic nephritis, in order to avoid infection
aggravating illness before, what should patients with chronic nephritis can be
done to prevent the effect of the cold?
On acute upper respiratory tract infection or feeling, also known as the
common cold. Is the floorboard of the acute inflammation of the nasal cavity,
pharynx or larynx. On the broad sense is not a disease diagnosis, but a group of
diseases, including the common cold, viral pharyngitis, laryngitis, herpangina,
pharynx conjunctival hot, bacterial aspiration tonsillitis. On the narrow sense,
also known as the common cold, it is the most common acute respiratory
infectious diseases, many are self-limiting, but the incidence is higher. Adult
happen 2 ~ 4 times a year, all the year round all can come on, winter more.
Various causes of systemic or local defence function reduce respiratory, such
as catch cold catch cold, get wet in the rain, climate change, such as excessive
fatigue can make already exists in the upper respiratory tract or from outside
the invading virus or bacteria proliferate, so as to induce the disease. Weak
old larva, immune function is low or the patients with chronic respiratory
disease susceptibility.
Chronic nephritis patients should be how to prevent a cold? Experts speak
when slightly cold symptoms of kidney disease, chronic nephritis patients as
soon as possible as soon as possible to the normal kidney disease hospital for
treatment. Physical TCM holds that each person is different, the first symptoms
of cold also is not the same, but each has some discomfort before a patient
caught a cold, once experienced discomfort, take medicine or see a doctor in
time is one of the effective methods to prevent the severe cold.
Chronic nephritis patients should be how to prevent a cold?
Chronic nephritis patients must pay attention to diet rich nutrition, eat
more fresh vegetables and fruits with large amounts of vitamins, maintain
defecate unobstructed, do 1 ~ 2 times a day. Prevention of patients with chronic
nephritis were mentioned is also a way to prevent colds.
Chronic nephritis patients can not get out of bed, all day long and not
excessive fatigue, according to their own physical condition, do take rests,
activity or work to not feel tired, want to appropriate relax, learn to rest,
only rest and exercise reasonable arrangement, can prevent colds.
Chronic nephritis patients to timely understand the change of the cold
temperature, know the weather forecast, avoid feeling cold, when the weather is
cool or cold snap to add clothing in time. Cannot go to public places and the
foul air environment, and to avoid infection. Summer don't work or study in
air-conditioned room, better hot than cold.
Nephritis prevent colds have folk prescription:
1 patients with chronic nephritis vinegar fumigation method against cold:
close the doors and Windows, take 100 ml rice vinegar, put in the pot
fumigation, 1-2 times a day, can prevent the occurrence and development of the
2. The chronic nephritis white vinegar intranasal method: at the beginning of
a cold, nose, or flow water available health cotton ball dipped after white
vinegar plug in your nostril, 2 to 3 times a day.
3. The jade screen granule: astragalus membranaceus 10 grams, windproof 10
grams, granules, taking in a timely manner to prevent diseases.
4. The golden chrysanthemum tea: each 3 grams tropaeolum, chrysanthemum,
boiling water soak tea, frequency.
5. Chronic nephritis towel hot compress method: after living with hot towel
or kneading auricle, towel after cooling, soak in hot water to apply again,
several times a day.
Chronic nephritis patients should be how to prevent a cold? The above is
about the way to prevent colds, chronic nephritis hope will be helpful to
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