Generally, people with Nephrotic Syndrome have four main or obvious symptoms
which are: a large amount of proteinuria, the protein of which in 24 hours is
more than 3.5g, hypoproteinemia, the protein in plasma is less than 30g /L,
edema and hyperlipemia. It is the urine in protein that leads to the following 3
symptoms one by one. So urine protein is attached more and more importance,
which will also lead to bad prognosis. How to treat urine protein in nephrotic
Firstly, it is necessary to understand why there is protein in urine. In
normal condition, there is only a little protein in urine and most of protein
can not leak out from kidney for there are pores in the renal glomerular
filtration membrane. The pore is not big and in normal condition, only small
molecules can leak out such as creatinine, urea acid and urea nitrogen. However,
when kidney is damaged, the pore becomes bigger, in which case, the bigger
molecules such as protein, red blood cells will leak out, thus causing
proteinuria and hematuria, etc. In turn, long time urine protein will worsen
kidney damage in nephrotic syndrome.
From the above, we can know that we should repair the damaged intrinsic renal
glomerular basilar membrane. Only in this way, can we treat urine protein in
nephrotic syndrome fundamentally. In our Hospital, we have Chinese Medicine,
which is from natural herbs of China and contains many active materials. After
it is into patients’ body, they will improve the blood circulation, dissolve the
blood stasis, thus creating a cleaner inner environment for the repair of
basilar membrane. Then, the effective materials in Chinese Medicine will take
effect by supplying nutrition to the damaged cells in the kidney.
In this way, we can treat urine protein in nephrotic syndrome. In addition,
Chinese Medicine can also enhance the immunity of patients, which can prevent
the relapse of nephrotic syndrome fundamentally.
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