Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Suggestions for Edema (Swelling) of Nephrotic Syndrome

Edema (Swelling), as we know, is a prevalent symptom in children patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, which closely follows high protein in urine, low protein in plasma and high fat in blood and so on.
The main cause of Nephrotic Syndrome is low protein in the blood or plasma, which is also called hypoproteinemia. When patients are suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome, the permeability of renal glomerular basilar membrane increases, which leads to the leaking out of a large amount of protein into urine. In this case, the concentration of protein in plasma will decrease and the plasma osmotic pressure will decrease as well. Liquid flows towards where there is high protein, thus causing edema or swelling. Protein is an important substance which maintains plasma osmotic pressure. Liquid flows towards a higher place, absorb water and then expand, thus causing edema or swelling.
When patients have had edema or swelling, children patients are suggested to pay attention to the following aspects according the principle we mentioned in the above.
1. Make a record about the body weight and abdominal girth. In addition, have more than 2 times of urine test a week and observe the physical condition.
2. Have enough rest, especially for those with severe edema and high blood pressure. For those whose disease is slight, it is not necessary to limit the activities. Parents can arrange some entertainment for their children to make them keep happy.
3. As for the diet, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should make sure to take in enough heat. Generally, for protein, the intake can be controlled in 2g per kg. For those who have severe edema, patients should limit the intake of salt.
4. Take care of skin and keep skin clean and dry. Avoid being pressed or scratched. Remember to turn over. The quit should be soft as well.
5. Avoid injection from muscle for it can lead to the retention of medicine, malabsorption or exosmosis from pore of needle. If we must take injection from muscle, we can press it for a longer time so as to prevent exosmosis.
In addition to the above mentioned, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should also take effective treatment, which can assure the effect of diminishing edema or swelling. In our Hospital, we have Chinese Medicine, which is one part of immune treatment. For more information, please consult us or leave a message.

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