Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mechanism of How Stem Cell Treats Type 1 Diabetes?

The traditional way to treat type 1 diabetes is only insulin injection. Recently, we have seen many cases with type 1 diabetes, and get into kidney failure in their 20s. So it is a very heartbroken for the family.
The pathology of Diabetes type 1 is absolutely inadequate secretion of insulin due to the damage to islet cells. The causes of it include hereditary factor and environment factor which cause immune disorder. The abnormal immune response will cause damage to islet cells. In order to treatment this disease, we should first repair the damaged islet cells and at the same time, regulate the immune system. Stem cell treatment can achieve this purpose.
Stem cells are the most primary cells of the human body. After transfused into the patients' body, these stem cells can differentiate into various functional cells needed. The stem cells can differentiate into new islet cells and replace the dead ones, thus recovering the islet function. T-reg cells can help regulate the immune system and stop the attack to healthy islet cells, thus protecting the remaining islet function. After the treatment, the dose of insulin injection can be reduced significantly and some patients can even stop insulin.

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