Thursday, June 27, 2013

What Herbs Are Good for Chronic Glomerulonephritis

After trying kinds of western medicine such as hormone and immunosuppressive agents, more and more patients with chronic glomerulonephritis are more interested in herbs considering the little side effect compared with western medicine.
As a matter of fact, there are many Chinese prescriptions for the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis. Here is a prescription:
The herbs: leonurus, isatis root, cogongrass rhizome, plantain, radix sophorae flavescentis, radix sophorae flavescentis, root of common peony.
The dosage: 50g per kind
Procedure: After boiling them with water, we can pour the herbs together with the sediment into a basin so that the liquid can soak the feet. Patients with chronic glomerulonephritis have this soaking twice every day, each time of which lasts for 20 to 30 minutes. Remember that the temperature should be moderate, so as to avoid being burned. If the liquid medicine is too cold, it will cause catching a cold or flu. The main function of this prescription is to promote the blood circulation and dissolve the stasis.
However, every coin has two sides, and this medicine prescription is no exception. Firstly, patients with chronic glomerulonephritis should go to drug store to buy these herbs. Secondly, after buying them, they will boil them, which will cost time. Thirdly, in the process of boiling, some medicine will not be made use of effectively. The use ratio will be declined.
How to solve the problem? After years of trial and error, doctors in our Hospital created Chinese Medicine. Compared with the above mentioned traditional Chinese medicine, it has the following advantages:
Firstly, it has a micro process, which means that the use ratio will be increased. The place where patients take this medicine is the back. Through osmosis, the effective medicine comes into the renal area, which avoids the waste.
Secondly, patients needn’t go to drug store, buy them, boil them, which saves a lot of time.
Thirdly, Chinese Medicine contains a large number of herbs, which contains much nutritious things. After application of Chinese Medicine, patients with chronic glomerulonephritis will feel warm and even hot especially in the feet center or palm center. They may even sweat. All of these proved thatChinese Medicine can improve the blood circulation and dissolve the stasis, which can repair the damaged intrinsic cells and rebuild normal renal function.

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